But.... onto Stamping!! It is the 12 days of Christmas right now, 15-25% off Big Shot items! -- find out more on my Stampin' Up! website - http://treeoflifestamping.stampinup.net
January 5th is the start of Sale-a-Bration, the beginning of the Occasions Mini Catalogue, and there is a new Definitely Decorative insert available, plus there are stamp sets from the Dormant List being discontinued on January 4th.
Sale-A-Bration January 5th - March 31st, 2010
This year there are stamp sets, a paper pack and even a punch that you can get for FREE - plus if none of the Sale-A-Bration items are what you want, you can also choose from a selection of stamps out of the Idea Book & Catalogue that are 22.95 or less. So you have more choices than ever!!!

These cards use one of the Sale-A-Bration sets, the new paper pack and the punch - all only available for FREE during Sale-A-Bration. (the punch will be available in the 2010-2011 Idea Book & Catalogue, but why wait to pay for something that you can have for FREE now!
Our Sale-A-Bration promotion gives reason for everyone to celebrate!
Customers: Receive a free Sale-A-Bration product for every $65 purchase (before tax and shipping).
Hostesses: Receive a free Sale-A-Bration product for every $395 in workshop sales, in addition to our regular hostess benefits. Second Sale-A-Bration product rewarded at $785; all other hostess Sale-A-Bration rewards occur in $395 increments.
Online orders do not qualify for the additional hostess Sale-A-Bration product.
Recruits: Choose any retail stamp set (valued up to $56.95) from the current catalogues when signing up during Sale-A-Bration. Plus, get 15 percent off your Starter Kit (Standard or Digital+)!
Starter Kit Regular Price Sale-A-Bration Price (15% off)
Standard Starter Kit $269 just $225
Digital+ Starter Kit $239 just $199
Book your workshop now! The first 6 people that book and hold a workshop with me between January 5th and February 15th will earn a free Classic Ink Pad in the colour of their choice. (to be received after the completion of your workshop)
Contact me today - - - this is only available to the first six bookings!.
Occasions Mini January 5th - April 30th, 2010
There a lot of gorgeous stamp sets in the Occasions Mini, and starting with this Mini catalog, Stampin' Up! will be offering Clear Mount Stamps!!!

These are still the same great rubber stamps that we know and love, but you now have the option of buying them unmounted and using them with acrylic blocks that Stampin' Up! will be now carrying. Look for the letter C under the stamp set name to show you which sets are available for purchase unmounted. The clear mount option is also available for stamp sets in the Sale-A-Bration catalogue.

These cards use stamp sets available in the Occasions Mini - as you can see from the first card - the Sweet Treat Cups will still be available and there will be another set to use with them! The second card showcases two of the upcoming new sets and the owl on the third card is from one of my favourite sets from the Occasions Mini called Fox & Friends and it features some of the animals currently available in the Decor Elements line.
Starting January 5th, Stampin' Up! will also be carrying a new punch style.

This new punch style locks for ease of storage and has labels on both the top and front so you can always see what punch it is. These new style punches can be stood on end or stacked. We will be carrying co-ordinating edge and corner punches which will allow you to punch a complete border or frame. And, because the Occasions Mini will be valid for the entire length of Sale-a-Bration, anything you order from the Occasions Mini will help you earn FREE Sale-a-Bration sets! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me and ask! I'm here to help you in whatever way I can!
Keep an eye on your inbox for more details regarding these upcoming promotions as well as info about my Sale-A-Bration & Occasions Mini workshops coming up in January!
Happy Stamping!
Theresa Clédomin